Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Flipboard: The best way to find resources for your class!

Flipboard: The best way to find resources for your class!

What is Flipboard?

It is a wonderful combination of social media and internet news feed.  It allows users to bring content related to a topic of interest into one place.  Users can search their interests and instantly create a magazine that relates to those interests!  For an example, click the link below.  It is a magazine I use to collect interesting Edtech articles.

View the Innovate and Educate Flipboard Magazine to see what is new in education!

Why should I use it?
It is THE BEST way to stay current on changes within educational technology.  Even if you do not use it for class, it is a virtual newspaper that customizes itself to your interest.  It runs on any internet connected device and feeds you the news at your fingertips.  Simply searching "edtech" gives you hundreds of articles from the web that you can flip through like you are reading a magazine.  It can also provide you with articles that relate to whatever it is you teach.

Could I use it in my class?
ABSOLUTELY!  Imagine searching a topic you are studying and bringing every current event or news story related to that topic into one place.  Then imagine if you could select your favorite articles and make them available to your students as a resource.  Well, you can do that with flipboard.  I encourage you to create a FREE account and start using flipboard to explore the internet.  You should also try the app on your phone or tablet.  It makes for amazing reading when you have a few minutes to kill on your phone.

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