Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Quizlet Live... Get your students to love vocabulary!

Quizlet Live... The most fun a person can have with vocabulary!  We mean that in a good way.

Quizlet Live is an incredible tool for your classroom.  It is great way to get students on their feet and moving around the classroom.  It also encourages teamwork and DEMANDS that all students get involved in the learning.  What is quizlet live? It is a fantastic and powerful tool for assessing student understanding.  It is designed to be used with vocabulary, but can be used in many more creative ways.  Watch this quick video to learn more!

If you want help starting a quizlet live game, please feel free to contact Dan Little or Lauren Richardson.  This is such a fun way to engage students and review concepts associated with your classroom.  The best thing about this game is there are so many concepts already available on quizlet you can use for learning.  Easy to implement... engaging for students.  Collaboration, engagement, quizlet live!

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