Monday, November 2, 2015

November TDC Meeting: Padlet

When: Wednesday 11/4/15  (From 2:30 to 3:30)
Where: Room 018 @ Mason Middle School
What: We will be looking at padlet as a tool within the classroom!

Summary of Resource: There are many ways to collect student work digitally.  There are not, however, many ways to collect and display student work in a way that looks nice and feels functional.  Padlet is an excellent tool that lets you create a "wall" of whatever digital content you choose to include.  Padlet works on windows, mac, chrome os, and all ios devices.  The real beauty of Padlet, is that ALL students can add content to the wall at any time.  Because of this, you can use this resource in countless ways to collect student ideas, work, videos, images, etc.  

Meeting Goal: At our meeting we will explore the many ways in which we can use padlet within our different departments.  The focus will be on creative lesson ideas in which this resource can enhance our instruction. 

Below you will find a padlet full of information you might be able to use to get started using padlet!

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