Monday, October 19, 2015

Doctopus, Goobric, and docAppender Oh my!

Do you want to allow students to peer review Google Docs?  Would you like to insert that feedback directly into the appropriate peer's actual work for them to read automatically?  You can do this with docAppender add on in Google Forms.

I have combined this with the use of Goobric and Doctopus to also allow me to group kids, share template files for their final DBQ papers, and also grade all with much less paper and hassle than every before.  Also, you can record and automatically send voice comments in their papers!  The rubric will automatically populate into their documents.

This is a detailed process to enable Doctopus, Goobric and docAppender in one overall assignment.  See the attached doc I found that was really helpful in setting this up.

I have yet to actually do  this in my class yet, but I have test run it with my own personal Google account so I think I have a good working knowledge of how to do it all if you want help.

Posted by Jen Page

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