Friday, October 9, 2015

Choice Eliminator Add-On Eliminates Wasted Class Time and Hassle

Are you interested in having kids select project topics quickly and without having to waste class time?  Would you like to ensure that you don't have a ton of students doing one option?  Do you want to easily assign students a presentation order or day?  Do you want to schedule a conference with your students?

If you answered yes to any of those questions then the Google Form add on called Choice Eliminator is for you!

So, on countless projects I have spent varied amounts of time assigning project topics.  This has happened either randomly by selecting an item out of a hat or students have had choice.  Either way, it has always been time-intensive to make sure I balance who is doing what topic.  Sometimes this was in class, others it was via email first come, first served.  Now Google Forms will eliminate all of this time, thought, and hassle by allowing kids to submit their project topic choice--and I can balance how many of each topic kids can do.  Here is how:

First, you open Forms and go to get Add-Ons.  Then find Choice Eliminator.

Then make your form.  See mine below

Notice that I have about 20 topics students can do a project on in my main question.  Then notice that in the side bar on the right I have opened the Choice Eliminator Add-On.

I then have to pick the Form question that I would like to eliminate choices on as kids submit the form.  I have chosen to eliminate options for the project topics.

Then you can tell the program to eliminate the answer choice after whatever amount of iterations you want.  I chose 7 so that with my over 130 US history kids, 140 options would be enough.

Voila!  Now I don't have to spend any class time on this, but I will still get a good balance of topics covered.

You can also use this to assign presentation orders.  You could do conferences with kids on their writing and have them pick days and times.  I think it is overall a great tool!

I will let you all know how it goes when we actually do this in class next week!

Posted by Jen Page

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