Sunday, August 30, 2015

Pear Deck (Tech Success)

Pear Deck in Physical Science

Laura Tonkin and i recently used Pear deck in physical science.  It allowed us to see student responses live on the projector to a variety of questions.  Students were able to view each others written responses while describing motion diagrams and were then able to draw their own motion diagrams within the app.  The app shows a variety of student responses: drawing, graphing, written, multiple choice, agree/ disagree, true/ false, and more.  It gives students a visual of what all other students are thinking and allows kids to view each other's answers.  This is a great way to have a discussion about what the "best" answers look like and it gives students instant feedback for their responses.  It could work well with any subject area where you would want quick feedback from students.  Check out the video and consider using it in your class!

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